Search Engine Marketing and Optimization - Katava Marketing
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Search Engine Marketing and Optimization

Katava Marketing provides expert Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM) solutions informed by years of collective experience in digital marketing. Our Search Engine Marketing team is ready to drive more traffic to your website with thorough, custom strategies tailored to your company’s specific needs. We leverage content marketing, paid search advertising (including Google Ads), local SEO, technical SEO and backlinking to build the perfect plan for your business’s requirements and goals. With complete strategies combining paid search ads and search engine optimization, your business will grow and gain a stronger web presence than ever before.

Two computers displaying analytical data about digital marketing on their screens. We see one hand typing on one keyboard while pointing at the other.

Comprehensive SEM Audits

Our first step when partnering with you for digital marketing services is to perform a comprehensive Search Engine Marketing (SEM) audit that goes through all the major aspects of your website and greater online presence.

SEM Audits Include:

  • Deep Analysis of Website Design
  • Breakdown of Your Website’s Technical Performance
  • Deep Dive Into Your Site’s Backlink Profile, Including Recommendations to Improve
  • Competitive Analysis to Show Where You Are In Your Market
  • Analysis of Your Paid Search Ads Are Interacting With Your Organic Web Presence

These audits discover your overall web presence’s strengths and weaknesses and give us the tools required to build a roadmap to growth and success.

Focused Marketing Strategy

Once we have finished your comprehensive audit, we can sort through the data to prioritize your specific goals and current benchmarks. Search Engine Optimization is a long-term commitment, and we make sure to develop long-term plans that will build toward a successful future for your organization. By discovering the highest priority issues for your company’s online presence, we make a document to give you a clear roadmap of specific actions that will lead to the growth and success you want to achieve. Actionable content on your strategy will include specific plans to improve your organic web presence as well as paid advertising strategy appropriate to your goals. This document allows you to have full knowledge of the strategic actions our expert team is taking to benefit your business and ensures a coherent, synergistic course of action when working on your digital marketing.

Brunette woman sitting at a desk and looking at a laptop with a smile on her face.
Someone's hands are typing on a computer. A search bar is embedded over the image.
A user doing keyword research. They are seated at a desk writing information on a notepad while looking up information on a computer and smartphone.

Comprehensive Services and Expert Strategy

Katava Marketing doesn’t simply offer SEO & SEM services – we work with you to develop a complete marketing strategy that ensures our efforts align with your overall objectives. We take full stock of your organization’s current resources and situation and make actionable long-term plans focused on continued improvement and growth. Search Engine Marketing with Katava is a holistic and complete service that ensures no part of your online presence goes overlooked or unattended.

We also never keep you in the dark about marketing efforts’ results. Katava provides regular customized reports for your company to ensure you are always in the know. Reports also allow us to adjust long-term efforts based on the data for maximum effectiveness.

Depending on a client’s specific needs, reports can include:

  • Website Traffic Data
  • Conversion Tracking
  • Organic Ranking Information
  • Paid Ads Data
  • Social Media Data

Our plans include optimizations for technical SEO, engaging content pages for your website including regular blogs, backlinking opportunities, synchronizations with your paid search advertising and more! We can’t wait to discuss how to get started with your Comprehensive SEM Audit and get started building your long-term SEM strategy.