Video and Photography - Katava Marketing
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Video and Photography

Tap into the Power of Video Content – A Revolution in Online Engagement!

Katava is committed to demonstrating and practicing the artistry required to shape and develop compelling video content designed to not only resonate deeply with audiences, but to inspire them as well!

According to The Social Shepherd, online videos have an audience reach of 92.3% worldwide. Additionally, the global average video consumption is 17 hours a week. Music videos are the most popular type of video, with a weekly usage reach of nearly 50%.

Let's Get Started!







Diverse Video Mastery 

From Short Films to Viral Content

We offer an array of diverse video services, including compelling commercial advertisements, imaginative animation, and provocative viral videos tailored for social media. We prioritize education through informative videos, while also offering visually striking photography services.

Katava can craft narratives that resonate with audiences on a deeply emotional level and visually span a spectrum of creativity. We strive to meet the varied needs of our clients across different mediums and to deliver content that captivates and leaves a lasting impression—from personal stories to promotional content and beyond.

Be More Authentic With Casual-Form Social Media

Over the years, we have watched social media gradually morph from being entirely casual to being overly staged and inauthentic. Now, the pendulum is swinging back to casual, which takes far less pressure off businesses that want to stay on top of digital marketing trends and truly connect with their target audiences.

Katava is proud to offer casual-form social media services that can help your brand stand out and resonate with your target audience on a deep, personal level. Our unparalleled and highly experienced creative team can come to your business or healthcare practice and film content you can share with your followers on social media.

We can capture your business during its most meaningful moments—whether it’s interacting face-to-face with your customers or enjoying a cup of coffee with your coworkers while on break. Casual-form social media can lend authenticity to your brand that everyone can relate to without any editing or staging.

Video is a great way to show your brand’s story instead of just telling it! Here are some reasons to consider adding video marketing to your digital marketing campaign.

Video is highly engaging and encourages social media shares.

Video can increase the amount of time users spend on your pages and website.

Video can help your target audience better understand your products and services. In fact, 96% of marketers say videos have helped increase their users’ understanding of their products and services.

Video can increase sales and ROI. About 51% of consumers say they rely on videos to make an educated decision when buying a product. Also, 92% of video marketers say videos give them a positive ROI.

Video can lead to a great number of backlinks.

Video can create memorable experiences that resonate with your audience.

Maximize Your Brand’s Potential – Elevate Your Video Content Today!

Ready to elevate your brand through the immersive power of video content?

Partner with Katava Marketing and unlock the potential to captivate your audience, drive conversions and enhance your brand’s visibility.